
Top 5: Favourite parts of Wesley Willis’s “Rock ‘n’ Roll McDonalds”

Wesley Willis’s epic 20th-century ballad Rock nRoll McDonalds is a piece of cultural heritage. It shaped the very youth of Chicago, and inspired the McDonald’s restaurant of the same name.

The song for sure came first, don’t fact check me on this.

Anyway, if, like me, you’ve been assigned this song for your 100-level English course’s poetry analysis assignment, fret not, for I’ve got the hook-up. Here is the best “Top 5: Favourite parts of Wesley Willis’s Rock n Roll McDonalds” list to grace this Earth.

  1. When he explains to the masses that McDonald’s burgers are worse for you than those from Burger King by laying out the receipts [1:45]
      • A Big Mac has 26 grams of fat
    • A Quarter-Pounder has 28 grams of fat
  1. It ends [2:27]
    • A low point in the song that alludes to the fact that he would later die in 2003.
  1. Padding for time halfway through the song [0:55-1:43]
    • Expresses how this single song defined the 90s; without Willis, there is no lyrical genius, only empty beats. This one has stumped the analysts for ages, but I’ve cracked the code for you.
  1. Wheaties: Breakfast of Champions [2:12]
    • Wheaties: Breakfast of Champions
  1. When Cyberbully Mom Club’s Life Time Warranty comes up next on your Spotify shuffle. [2:28]
    • God what a fucking jam. Like all of Cyberbully Mom Club’s music, this track provides a brief moment of clarity into the lives of the artists of the group. Nothing is explained throughout, and the track feels intimate and raw because of this.

See ya Wesley Willis, I hope you’re having fun dancing in the big McDonald’s in the sky.

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